Wednesday, May 18, 2011

38 wks! Almost there!

Howdy Yall!

Well - had my 38 wk appointment today. Moved it from Friday to today just cause I had to get in sooner! Feeling veryyy different this week. Could barely walk yesterday and just very achy. I know this is how it's supposed to go and I welcome the pain - No pain no gain/baby. ;) Here's an update.

Current picture...
Yeah not very cute... this was yesterday morning - in a LOT of pain and trying to smile. I wanted to be sure to get a picture this week cause I was worried the week would pass by without one!

Here's the update:

How far along?
38 wks and 4 days!

How big is the baby?
They guessed around 7 lbs (@ my 36 wk appt)... yeah not very scientifically. She just took a look at my belly when I laid down and guessed. I know ultrasounds are not accurate either - but oh well! They pack on the pounds these last weeks.. about 1/2 lb per week! Ryan and I were both 7 something when we were born! This boy might be a chunk...I'd love that. :)

Weight gain?
Yeah - more than I wanted. 40 lbs... but I know my body is doing what it's supposed to to keep Landon and myself healthy. Hopefully I can drop it fasttttt...

Stretch marks?
Nada! Still using coco butter lotion after showers and when I get itchy. I've heard they can 'appear' as your stomach goes down... hmm I guess we'll see.

What's that? Tossing and turning and visiting our porcelain throne. :) It's ok though, I know once Landon is here it will be more exhausting and won't be as easy as I have it right now ...getting up and going right back to bed.

Best moment of the week?
Today @ my dr appt! I now have an idea about how things are going... 3cm, 80% effaced and he's stationed at a -1! His heartbeat sounded great too. Sometimes I can't believe this is real, but it is!

Food and cravings?
Any sweets - candy, ice cream etc. Still loving carrots and veggie/ranch dip, and hardboiled eggs. Random I know...but no pickles and ice cream for me. 

He's pretty crammed in there so it doesn't feel like it used to, but he's definitely moving furniture in there! Feel his feet the most cause they're up. He was moving a lot at the appointment today...while she was finding his heart beat. I was having a contraction and once it was over he started to wiggle and squirm again and then his heart rate went up. Really neat to see happen, and the dr said it's good to see his heart rate do that!

Belly Button?
Out as out can be. Won't go back until Landon is here!

Looking forward to....
Meeting our baby boy! 

It's a wonderful life!


  1. you look beautiful and READY! i'm so so excited for you guys! lots of prayers for the coming days/weeks :)


  2. It's going to be any time now! You look beautiful!
