Thursday, June 28, 2012

Smile! You're on mommy camera!

Summertime has been off to a hot AWESOME start! I have so many pictures and stories to tell but I HAD to post this video. Taken on my phone so I apologize for the blurriness/quality.

Early on Landon said 'mama' - not gunna lie...he did it ALL THE TIME. I knew it bugged Ryan a little bit, but I told him he'd say it soon and sure enough he did. Well it's been months and months since 'da-da' started, but this is the cutest (in my biased opinion) yet of him calling for da-da. Besides the time Ry went to get him from a nap and he got up saying 'hi da-da'. Sheesh melt my heart. <3

So one morning earlier this week Ryan leaves for work like always and Landon and I start playing. We usually ALWAYS use the backdoor to the garage and never the front door. Out of no where L starts walking to the front door yelling...'daaa....dadaaaa' and walking around as if he's looking for him. Precious!

It's a wonderful life!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

SYTYCD Guest Judge!

My favorite show is back on!!!!!

If you know me...this should be NO surprise. ;) 
They started having guest judges come on a while back and they've been great! 


She even danced with Twitch! One of my favorite contestants...
it was a hilarious attempt to do hip hop. Loved it.

Neil Patrick Harris was a guest judge last season...

You'll never guess who the next Guest Judge!!! will be! I can't even put into words how I felt when I found out! I was SO excited... 


Apparently she's going to be on Broadway soon. This chick can sing! Remember Elf... when she sang 'Baby it's cold outside' in the shower. Anyway - love her!!! I never kept up with New Girl, but what I did watch was pretty funny. 

This is my attempt to 1) keep up blogging 2) blog another topic besides my adorable little family ;) and 3) tell you how much I love this show! and the exciting guest judge news.

It's a wonderful life! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Landon - my child,

It's hard to come up with all the words to tell you how much I love you and how special you are to daddy and me. This past 12 months have been the best ever. I'm not who I was before you... I will never be the same again. I love that. What was life like before you? Truly...cannot has so much more meaning now.

Every moment of the day - my thoughts are on you. You've taught me self-less love. Unconditional love. How to live in the moment. I thought I knew what it was like to love a child, but nothing compares to this.

You are so... happy, smart, silly, loving, affectionate, adventerous, daring, fearless, sweet, and joyful. You love to be tickled, play games, pet Moose, walk ALL OVER the house, dump all your toys out of your toy box and put them back (sometimes...). You love to swing outside, and now swim! You are a great eater. Haven't found one thing you don't like. You're a little disposal... seriously. Bulldozer too ;) you push things and walk over or on top of toys and it doesn't phase you in the least.

I love watching you play when you don't know I'm watching. You study everything - I swear. Taking in everything..trying to figure out how things work. You love books too...and I love that!

You can say: mama, dada, baby, doggie, hot, up, hi, bye-bye. It's really neat to see you try so hard to communicate and sometimes do it so well! Sign language has been great for you/us. You're starting to blow's so sweet.

Officially started walking unassisted 2 days before your 1st birthday!!! So proud of you...and excited for family and friends to see you be such a big boy. You're in 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 5 1/2 shoe! eek! (This is more for me to keep track!) At your 12m check up you were... 24 lb 4oz, 30 1/2 inches! Dr. said you're right on track.

You have an amazing daddy... but you already know this. He gets the best giggles out of you and you light up when he comes in the room. We are usually getting you started on dinner as 'da-da' gets home, and when you hear the back door open you immediately turn towards it and say 'hi da-da'. It's so cute! 

I am head over heels crazy for you little guy. We have our share of tough moments (that's the key word... moments...), but most of our days are filled with fun, laughing, playing, exploring, learning (both of us) and loving. I became more of an emotional mama than I expected as your birthday came closer. I thought about how you were so fresh and new 12 months earlier, how we got to experience all your firsts, and how we watched you change and grow and I wasn't ready for that to go away. Then I realized they are precious memories that will never go away and I will always look back at our first year together and smile. There are still many new firsts to come and toddler-hood is new and exciting too! You are the most precious gift I've ever been given and I feel so special that God chose daddy and I to be your parents. Big job we have to do, but you make it easy.


It's a ONE-derful life!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Landon is ONE!

Once I have his one year pics I will post them! They are TOO.CUTE. For now I will share his party! :) Decided to go with a jungle/safari theme. He's quite the little monkey so...

Made by one of my former student's cute!
Found this GREAT book! I asked everyone to sign it the came :)
Who knew Dr. Seuss wrote a birthday book... I think we'll read this every birthday!
Loved it! Eating it like it was no big deal! He had never eaten cake before.
one of my favorite pics :)

everyone was so generous

Finishing the presents... I think this was when I got teary-eyed about L being one.
Another favorite pic... icing in the hair and all. He loves his swing!

Thanks family and friends who came to celebrate (and from afar!) we love you!!!

It's a ONE-derful life!
(hehe I feel so clever)