Friday, September 7, 2012


Unstoppable - that is the best word to describe my 15 month old busy boy. He is daring, fearless, busy busy busy and of course darling to me. ;)

Decided to grab my camera and snap a few pics of him doing the things
I continue to tell him not to do... 

Just his cute little self all up close and personal...
Sorry - just another cute one
Nothing "bad" here - but he's contemplating standing on his sofa chair!

 Ok here are the 'naughty' pics...
He LOVES to turn the TV off and change the channels
 I keep the TV off most of the day... just when Ry gets home we'll turn it on...
and this is what he does!

And his face right after he did it.. oh boy! 
Pulls out ALL the dvds - he's looking at baby einstein here.
I need to get smarter and NOT put things on his 'level'.
Pulls out the drawer/cabinet and grabs bowls and measuring cups..
Whiny face
"But mommmmm pleeeeeeeaseee"
Mad Face
"Are you crazy? You're talkin' to me?!"

Last but NOT least - gets behind the curtain and PULLS.
He really likes to hide behind it and see if we can find him.
Scares me that he'll pull the rod outta the wall! 
Seriously took all of these in a matter of 30 minutes or less. Yes he was shirtless (playing with the water table got wet/messy) and I guess the curtain pic was taken another day. He is such a hoot! Sometimes makes me crazy! I don't want to be the mom saying 'no no no' all day - it's annoying!!! 

My teacher self is saying 'clearly 'no' is not something else' - kinda how I would feel in the classroom...I would redirect behavior and then if it continued would need some sort of action to get them to stop/cooperate. Makes me think of time-out or being moved from your classmates to a new spot in the room or if it continues for too long call mom. WAIT - I'm the mom here. I know some of this behavior is his age - curious and testing the limits but he's gotta have boundaries and know 'if I make this choice...then  ____ will happen'. Hard to know what is age appropriate for him - I got 7/8 yr olds down... 
just not my own 15 month old. Yet.

Hope you get a kick out of these pics!

It's an unstoppable wonderful life!

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