Sunday, January 22, 2012

Caught Landon's latest 'move' on video... he shakes his head like he's saying 'no'. Doesn't seem like he really means it - I think he's just figure out how his body works. 

We talk to him a ton (I say mama mama allll the time hoping for that first even though I know it won't be!) but still haven't heard a word. Just Bababababa or papapapa bapabapa... etc. He studies our mouth and how we form sounds. Glad he's atleast trying to talk! Wish I knew what he was really thinking or trying to say.

I might be a little biased but I think I have the cutest kid on the planet!!!!!

It's a wonderful life!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My new favorite thing!

Before I start... Blogger has changed around things!!! 
I guess it's been upgraded - so bare with me while I get used to the new set up here!

I have a new favorite thing

YoGreek Yogurt!!!!! YUM!

I am very picky when it comes to my yogurt. Do not like chunky fruit (I know...some people think I'm crazy) and it has to be just the right consistency. Not too thick and not too thin (and slimy)... just right! I heard about this yogurt on the TODAY show one morning and I looked everywhere for it. HEB is the ONLY place I can find it. Target doesn't carry it... haven't checked Walmart (we never really shop there - too far..) anyway - It's DELISH! Fits all the qualifications that my yogurt needs AND has a little container of granola attached to the side! PERFECTION! :) 

Apparently it is now called Voskos. 

Landon and I were running errands this morning for groceries and I had a ton of coupons to Target so we just ended up going there. BUT I knew I'd need to run by HEB for a few things - actually one thing... my yogurt. I never get to run errands during the week - just too difficult and so I stock up on this yogurt til the next weekend. :) Well Target trip was a success...Landon did great and I got everything we needed. Then I ran over to HEB just so I could get all the errands outta the way while we were already out. 

I get him situated in the cart - YES a new and very welcome milestone :) and head to the dairy section only to find....
No..this is not the actual picture of the dairy section at HEB...just added it for affect ;) 
That's right an EMPTY yogurt section... not the entire section JUST the Voskos section. 

Are you kidding me?!?! 

Looks like everyone has the same new obsession as me! ::sigh:: Oh well. Landon and I grab a few odds and ends (don't you seem to make a trip and then STILL forget something!) and leave. 

Silly story I know but I wanted to share my new favorite thing! You should try it! 

It's a wonderful life!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ok...catch up time...

Sorry this Christmas post comes so late! We had a wonderful 1st Christmas together. The three of us went to my parent's house for Christmas this year, and the house was FULL! The more the merrier though... 
2 Parents, 3 'kids', 1 husband, 1 baby, 3 dogs, Yikes! 
Wouldn't trade it for the world though...loved every minute.

Cute 1st Christmas PJs
Here are some pics of Landon with my side of the family!
Best giggles come from Daddy
Nonna and Landon checking out Uncle AJs helicopter toy...
Auntie Jenn and L playin'
Silly Uncle
Riding Moose
Playing with Papa Joe at dinner
Trying to get Landon to crawl 
Love from mama
All smiles
Jenna turned 22! 
"Sisters...sisters...there were never such devoted sisters..."
Funny Dad asked for 1/2 a cake... turned out pretty cute!!
Landon opening his first present on Christmas Day!

If I roll and stretch...maybe it'll open! 
I'm so strong!
For me? Really?!?! Thank you Aunt Jenn!
Wonderful Christmas!

Landon did really well traveling, but being away from home was tough (almost over a week). He started waking up 5 times a night. He was sleeping in a pack-n-play. It was very comfortable and he's slept in one before but it's not home. (we all know that feeling) Anyway - he was fighting something and teething was wreaking havoc on my little boy! Once we got home he was back to his normal schedule after a few days of adjusting.

No kidding - the first night back. He didn't fall asleep right away. He was rolling around in his crib laughing, giggling, and rubbing his hands all over the bumpers and mattress. So precious. He was SO happy to be back, but LOVED Christmas. Cannot wait for next year to talk about Santa and Jesus's Birthday!

It's a wonderful life!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

7 Months

Happy 7 Months pumpkin!

The Corl house has been so busy! This post comes very late... Christmas actually came a few days before Landon turned 7 months, but I wanted to write this post before I forget all of the new things he is doing!
  1. Landon is now are doing two 'meals' a day instead of just one 'meal of solids. Ry and I decided to do this added meal during my 2 wks off for Christmas - just so we'd have the time to start this 'newness' with him and to see how Landon would do. Our hope was then when he went back to our sitter's house she would be able to feed him with no problem. He is doing wonderfully!
  2. Landon is officially crawling! He's been rocking for a month and a half and Dec. 30 he did his first official crawl. I was SO happy he did this over break for us to witness. Pretty exciting milestone... just cannot believe how many changes happen in a baby's first year! He's not too fast yet - so hopefully enough time to baby proof! 
  3. He loves to blow raspberries - especially during the quiet times during mass. haha He's been babbling for a long time but he's starting to say 'ba ba ba' ....trying to get him to say mama, but I know dada is easier to say and he'll probably say that (or Moose) first. ;) He also does this hilarious fast breathing... he sounds like he's panting like Moose. He does this when he gets really excited about something. He loves to belly laugh too...that's music to my ears. 
  4. After he started crawling we dropped down his crib... I'm starting to think we need to drop it one more time to the lowest level. Funny thing about Landon is he masters one milestone and then IMMEDIATELY works on the next. He's been trying to pull up onto things a lot, but not quite able to do it. He's doing this in his crib now - eek! One more level down and hopefully I won't be so worried anymore.
  5. He is pretty much consistently sleeping 10 or 11 hours a night. NEVER cries himself to sleep at night... I dunno how we 'taught' him to sleep so well, but he's fantastic at going to bed. We've kept our nighttime routine the same since he started in his crib at 10 wks so I think that plays a big part of it. Now naps are another story. He is pretty upset at first when we put him down, but as soon as we leave his room he snuggles up in his crib and falls asleep.

He is such a happy baby. Do not have anything to compare him to of course because he's our first...but we've been told he's a pretty 'easy' baby. However...this job isn't easy! It's wonderful, rewarding and a blessing to be a mommy for sure - but because he's an 'easy' baby doesn't make parenthood easy. Well that sounded like a downer but I didn't mean for it to be!

I feel like there is so much more to say - - like I'm forgetting something. I'll probably come back to this post and add more. 

It's a wonderful life!