Sunday, February 3, 2013

Landon's going to be a Big Brother!


This post comes WAY late! Finally got my old (and very dead *tear*) laptop 'backed up' onto an external hard drive and laid it to rest. NOW I can post pictures and keep this blog up to date!!!
Most likely you are a family member, friend, facebook friend etc and already know this buuuuuttttt....
*drum roll please ;) *
Landon's going to be a Big Brother in July!!!
We are SO excited for this new addition to the family! Ryan and I knew we wanted them around 2ish years apart and Landon will turn 2 end of May (what?!?!) and this baby is due July 7th, 2013.
Funny how you 'plan' but God has other ideas in mind and they're way better than anything you could come up with yourself. We thought we'd try for another baby early Spring and L would be closer to 2 1/2 years old... Then we changed our minds and said January and then we changed our minds again.
I found out the weekend before Halloween that there was indeed a bun in the oven! I had been hoping and praying and praying and hoping for another baby and we were blessed! I had been ready for quite a while and was waiting for Hubs to feel more ready for another little one. Last time I found out about baby (Landon)... my reaction was more scared and fearful that I wasn't ready for the job ahead of me. God definitely 'doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.' ANYWAY - I told Ryan about baby when he got home from work and was crying and I wanted a more exciting way to tell him this time around.
Had this idea of getting pink and blue jelly beans and saying 'I'm spilling the beans'... have him figure it out. ;) BUT Halloween time at Target had all sorts of candy so I just went with blue and pink colored whatever candy I could find.
Bag the candy was in...
The test - faint line but for sure there.

 It was a Friday and once we had put Landon to bed and Ryan went to put his glasses on so I grabbed the bag and put it on his seat on the couch.
He comes back... "What's this?!"
"Ummm I dunno read the bag... look inside..."
(Test was hidden in the bottom of the bag by the way...)
He saw the candy and goes "Uhhh..." (??? look on his face)
"Dig down in the bag..."
(Finds the test)
"You are?!?! Wait you know the gender??? Oh wait... pink AND blue."
Hugs and Kisses :)
"Wait Sara - there's no 2nd pink line..."
"YES THERE IS! Look again...don't freak me out like that!"
"Oh there is... oh my gosh! When are you due...."
And we went on talking the rest of the night. It still didn't feel real at this point... no major symptoms yet etc. But we could not believe we were going to be parents of not 1 but 2 kiddos!
I don't plan on doing weekly belly update -definitely don't have time to do that. ha So monthly is close enough. It's been fun/interesting to compare this pregnancy from last.

Oh PS - Favorite line of the night from Ryan:

"If you think I'm eating that're crazy. You peed on that stick!"
It's a wonderful life!

1 comment:

  1. This was a "jolly" post to read. Thanks for sharing. So very very very excited for you all!
